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供天 Offering to Heaven (Individual Tablet) – Medicine Buddha

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供天,或斋天,缘起于智者大师依《金光明经》而创的《金光明忏法》。佛弟子以尊敬心感恩善神护法,方便学佛。 《金光明经》记载诸天发愿护持奉行佛法、辅助有德的人、佑护念诵与书写此经者。供天除了感恩诸天,也有祈福、劝善的意义。其功德包括成就福德、增长善根智慧、无碍辩才、诸天佑护等。 道场在供天的日子也不限。本林通常于农历正月初九,药师佛诞,及阿弥陀佛诞举行斋天仪式。

The ceremony of making offering to heaven, originated from the "Golden Light Repentance" created by Master Chih-che based on the "Golden Light Sutra". Buddhist disciples are grateful to the protection of celestial beings to facilitate the learning of Buddhist Dharma, and hence making the offering. The "Golden Light Sutra" records that the celestial beings vow to practice the Dharma, and to protect and assist virtuous people who recite and copying the sutra. In addition, making offering to the heaven has the meaning of blessings and encouragement of good deed. The merits of this offering include increasing good roots and wisdom, not hindering eloquence, and protection by the celestial beings. In general, there is no limitation on the days of making offering to the heaven. However, the lodge usually holds the ceremony on the 9th day of the first lunar month, the birthday of Medicine Buddha, and the birthday of Amitabha Buddha.

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    供天 Offering to Heaven (Individual Tablet) – Medicine Buddha