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联合消灾 Liberation from Disaster and Calamity (Combined Tablet) - Medicine Buddha

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消灾牌位,以在世人为对象,用于祈求吉祥,消灾延寿,增长福慧,积功累德。 一般大众在生活中往往面临不同的困难,病苦或灾难。法会期间,僧俗二众通过诵经,皈依,拜忏与各种佛事功德回向牌位主人,也请求佛菩萨加持,减轻苦难。 为他人消灾牌位也可说是对其的一种祝福。
The tablet for liberation from disaster is meant for the livings to pray for prosperity, liberation from disasters and longevity, increase happiness and wisdom, and to accumulate merits. During the Dharma Assembly period, both monks and lay people chant sutras and performed various Buddhist rituals to dedicate their merits to the owners of the tablet, and seek blessings from Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas.

1 name is $20, up to a total of 10 names.

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    联合消灾 Liberation from Disaster and Calamity (Combined Tablet) - Medicine Buddha