助学金 Bursaries

教育是培养下一代的桥梁。助学是对莘莘学子的鼓励与栽培的助缘,也使家庭经济福报较低的学生有同等受教育的机会。教育此外能增长众生知识远见、有一技之长、改善生活。 供养助学金的利益包括聪明智慧、增长福报、改善生活。助学金是由新加坡佛教居士林教育基金颁发。新加坡佛教居士林教育基金是一家公益机构 (IPC),能够为符合条件的捐款发出有税务回扣的收据。

Education is the bridge to nurture the next generation and everyone deserves a chance to be educated. Since 1979, the Lodge has been distributing Bursary to students of the needy family, giving them a chance to increase their knowledge, learn a life-long skill and improve their living conditions. The bursary programme is managed by the Singapore Buddhist Lodge Education Foundation which is an Institution of a Public Character (IPC). The Singapore Buddhist Lodge Education Foundation is able to issue tax deductible receipts for qualifying donations to donors.

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    助学金 Bursaries

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