Collection: 清明法会 Qing Ming Dharma Assembly


Date:25.03.2025 – 14.04.2025

适逢清明寒食时节,本林为方便十方信众寄托哀思,广修功德。特隆重举行“清明法会”以祭祀祖先,慎终追远,届时恭请六和戒德僧伽诵:《地藏菩萨本愿经》 《阿弥陀经》、《金刚经》、顶礼《金山御制梁皇宝忏》,敬放《瑜伽焰口甘露斛食》。法会因缘殊胜,欢迎广大善信随喜参加。

To facilitate devotees seeking to remember and mourn their deceased loved ones and to widely accumulate meritorious virtues, the Lodge is holding a Qing Ming Dharma Assembly for making offerings to ancestors. The six harmonious Sangha will be respectfully invited to lead in recitation of the Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vows, Amitabha Sutra, Diamond Sutra, prostration to Emperor Liang’s Treasure Repentance Text, and offerings with the Yogacara Ulka-mukha. With the Dharma Assembly's excellent causes and conditions, all devotees are welcomed to rejoice and participate.