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联合回向(联合牌位)Dedication of Merits (Combined Tablet) - Ksitigarbha

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回向是将功德、善行、福慧与法界众生同享。佛教讲究上供下施。“分享”功德也属于以往生者为对象的布施。善导大师在《观经四帖疏》里的回向偈云: “愿以此功德,平等施一切,同发菩提心,往生安乐国”。从此可见净土宗的回向观念。
Dedication is the sharing of merit, kindness, blessing and wisdom with sentient beings within the Dharma Realm, with sharing of merit itself as a type of giving. Venerable Shandao of the Pure Land Buddhism states in “A Commentary on the Amitayurdhyana Sutra” which contains the meaning: “May the merits be equally share to all; to develop the Bodhicitta; and be reborn in the land of bliss”.

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    联合回向(联合牌位)Dedication of Merits (Combined Tablet) - Ksitigarbha