Collection: 无量寿法会 Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly


Date01.12.2024 – 15.12.2024

无量光、无量寿在梵文,中即是“阿弥陀”。《阿弥陀经》记载着阿弥陀佛为西方极乐世界的教主,而在此净土中没有痛苦。汉传佛教净土宗也已西方三圣为修行对象。西方三圣就是阿弥陀佛,大势至、观世音二位左右胁侍菩萨。 阿弥陀佛宝诞期间,本林《无量寿法会》以净土宗的三部经典《佛说阿弥陀经》、《佛说无量寿经》、《佛说观无量》,以及《三时系念》结善缘,方便大众超荐祖先、冤亲债主、婴灵及十法界等众,愿其离苦,得生净土。 "Amitabha", in Sanskrit, means “Infinite Life” and “Infinite Light”. "The Amitabha Sutra" states that Amitabha Buddha as the leader of the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss, or the Western Pure Land, where there is no pain or suffering. The Pure Land method of Mahayana Buddhism also takes the Three Sages of the Western Pure Land as the objects of practice. The Three Sages of the Western Pure Land are Amitabha, Avalokitesvara, and Mahasthamaprapta, two accompanying Bodhisattvas. During the birthday period of Amitabha Buddha, the "Amitabha Dharma Assembly" the lodge focuses on the three primary classics of the Pure Land method "Amitabha Sutra", "Infinite Life Sutra", " Contemplation Sutra" and " Amitabha Triple Contemplation Service" to facilitate the public in transcendence of ancestors, karmic creditors, infant spirits, and sentient beings from the ten realms, wishing them to be liberated from suffering and to be reborn in the Western Pure Land.


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